The Chemistry department of the ENS offers, for the first year of the diploma, two core
courses in chemistry : a “Chemistry” course, and a mixed “Chemistry-Physics” course in
collaboration with the physics department of the ENS. The chemistry cursus can also be
enriched in biology.
The possibility is offered to follow a “Science and Letters” module, available at every level and discipline !
Chemistry course
The first year offers a core teaching based of the learning of fundamental concepts, covering a large spectrum of chemistry. It is based solely on course activities, supervised work, experimental work and workshops.
It includes an experimental formation, the possibility of a laboratory immersion as well as a six months internship in laboratory, starting from mid-June. This internship can be extended by two weeks for the students that make the demand for it.
Back-to-school reunion : Thursday, September 15th 2022 at 3:30 PM
First year planning Chemistry course 2021-2022 (the 2022-2023 planning will soon be online)
Planning with options
Planning without options
Useful Mathematics notions for the first year
First semester :
Courses counting for the basic training in chemistry (DENS1-S1) – 30 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Chimie Organique I | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Quantique | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Orbitalaire | 40h | 6 |
Thermodynamique Statistique | 40h | 6 |
Electrochimie | 40h | 6 |
Mandatory courses for the ENS diploma – 6 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Outils Mathématiques et Numériques | 40h | 6 |
Enseignement Expérimental | 80h | 6 |
Optional courses
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Introduction aux Sciences du Vivant |
Second semester :
Courses counting for the basic training in chemistry (DENS1-S2) – 30 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Cinétique Chimique et Réactivité | 40h | 6 |
Spectroscopies | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Organique II | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Inorganique | 40h | 6 |
Chimie du Solide | 40h | 6 |
Mandatory courses for the ENS diploma (DENS) – 12 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Enseignement Expérimental | 80 h | 6 |
Découverte Laboratoire | 1 week |
Optional courses
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Immersion en Laboratoire | 1 day per week | 3 |
LASER et chimie | 28h | 3 |
Biologie moléculaire de la cellule |
Mandatory courses for the M1 acquisition
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Stage en laboratoire | 6 weeks | 6 |
Chemistry-physics course
This exigant course alows to acquire a double major Chemistry and Physics by folowing a fundamental and experimental teaching within the Chemistry and Physics departments. After the first year (L3), students of this course have the possibility to pursue a first year of chemistry or physics Master.
First-year planning Chemistry-Physics course 2021-2022 (the 2022-2023 planning will soon be online)
First semester :
Chemistry courses counting for the basic training in chemistry and physics (DENS1-S1) – 18 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Chimie Organique I | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Orbitalaire | 40h | 6 |
Electrochimie | 40h | 6 |
Physics courses counting for the basic training in chemistry and physics (DENS1-S1) – 18 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Mécanique Quantique | 60h | 9 |
Physique Statistique | 60h | 9 |
Mandatory courses for the ENS diploma (DENS) – 12 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Enseignement Expérimental (Physique) | 40h | 3 |
Mathématiques (Physique) | 56h | 9 |
Second semester :
Chemistry courses counting for the basic training in chemistry and physics (DENS1-S2) – 18 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Cinétique Chimique et Réactivité | 40h | 6 |
Spectroscopies | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Inorganique | 40h | 6 |
Physics courses counting for the basic training in chemistry and physics (DENS1-S2) – 18 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Physique du Solide | 40h | 9 |
Hydrodynamique | 40h | 9 |
Mandatory courses for the ENS diploma (DENS) – 12 ECTS
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Enseignement Expérimental (Chimie) | 40h | 6 |
Chimie Organique II (Chimie) | 40h | 6 |
Mandatory courses to obtain the M1
Title | Hourly volume | ECTS |
Stage en laboratoire | 40h | 6 |