Theoretical chemistry

The ENS theoretical chemistry group develops an integrated approach of modern theoretical chemistry to describe and understand chemical reactivity and chemical processes in complex environments and on multiple length- and time-scales. Its members combine a broad range of methodologies, including statistical mechanics, quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, analytical theory and numerical simulations, e.g. with molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo and continuum descriptions. Its activities include both theoretical and methodological developments in very close connection with state-of-the-art experiments, often through common projects. These approaches are applied to investigate systems ranging from materials to biomolecules and geological fluids, and address many of the great challenges of chemistry, including energy, environment, green chemistry, and pharmaceutical chemistry.

Latest news of the theoretical chemistry group

Les mécanismes de réactions clés des origines de la vie révélés par des simulations moléculaires guidées par l’intelligence artificielle
Tuning Acid–Base Chemistry at an Electrified Gold/Water Interface
Comment les organismes vivants se sont adaptés aux variations de températures au cours de l’évolution
M2 Internship available 1st Semester 2021
Structure and chemistry of graphene oxide in liquid water from first principles