Our research group is working on various fundamental and applied aspects of NMR, focusing on developments of new methods for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in solution, solids and gases, and for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using state-of-the-art equipment.
In solution, we study internal dynamics, structure and interactions of biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, based on extensive know-how in protein expression and purification. We determine fast proton exchange rates, study cross-correlated relaxation effects, develop single-scan multidimensional methods, field-dependent relaxation (“relaxometry”) using fast shuttling of samples, drug screening, and dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) using rapid heating of samples polarized at 1.4 K, dissolution and transfer to liquid-state spectrometers.
In solids, we investigate proteins and their complexes and porous materials that are relevant for heterogeneous catalysis. We develop efficient solid-state NMR methods for measurements of chemical shift anisotropies (CSA), decoupling in samples spinning at the magic angle (MAS), for recoupling of interactions such as dipole-dipole couplings that can be retrieved despite MAS, and signal enhancement by dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) using microwaves generated by gyrotrons.
Prof. Geoffrey Bodenhausen in our team is leading HiSCORE, an ERC-funded project. More details can be found here.