Senior Scientist CNRS (DR1)
Associate Professor ENS – PSL

Laboratoire des biomolécules UMR 7203

Office: E117

Short bio

Fabien Ferrage did his undergraduate studies at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Chemistry and Molecular Biophysics. He joined Geoffrey Bodenhausen’s group at ENS for his master thesis and continued with his PhD, which he completed in 2002. He spent.a semester in Art Palmer’s lab at Columbia University in 2001. He joined David Cowburn’s team at the New York Structural Biology Center in 2003 as

a postdoc. He was appointed associate scientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2005 in Geoffrey Bodenhausen’s group. Between 2007 and 2009, he worked part-time at the New York Structural Biology Center, collaborating with David Cowburn and Ranajeet Ghose. In 2010-1011, he spent two years as a visiting scientist in the team of Aneel Aggarwal at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He was appointed associate professor at ENS in 2015 and senior scientist at CNRS in 2016.

Research interests

His main focus is on NMR methodology particularly the development of new methods and instruments for the exploration of biomolecular dynamics by NMR relaxation. Among recent developments, he studies protein dynamics from low-magnetic field nuclear spin relaxation, by a technique called high-resolution relaxometry. He introduced recently, in a partnership with Bruker Biospin, two-field NMR spectroscopy, where moderately low and high magnetic fields are coupled in a single experiment. Current investigations shed light on the dynamics of protein side chains in folded proteins as well as motions in intrinsically disordered proteins.

Our research is funded by:



Check out the website of our FET-Open project HIRES-MULTIDYN






Project IMF-NMR









Projects 2F-TROSY & DREAMY



MSCA-PF project BiophInLLPSInt

MSCA-DN FC-RELAX, check out the website!

Awards and distinctions

  • 2003 PhD prize form the Chemical Physics division from the French Chemical and Physical Societies.
  • 2003 Lavoisier fellowship form the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • 2003 Nine Choucroun Prize from the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique.
  • 2004 Raymond Andrew Award from the Groupement Ampère.
  • 2011 Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) 2012-2017.

Current Teaching

  • Scientific Communication in English (2014-), Master 1, Undergraduate education of the department of Chemistry at ENS, as well as Master Chemistry and Life Sciences.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, First year students in Chemistry, Ecole normale supérieure (2015-pres.).
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2014-2021), Master 1 Physical, analytical, and theoretical Chemistry, UE M1 4C303, Local Field Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Probes for Structure and Reactivity, Sorbonne Université.
  • Molecular Spectroscopies (2020-pres.); Master in Chemistry (M1 Chemistry and Innovation); PSL University.
  • Magnetic Resonance (2021-pres.); Master in Integrative Chemistry and Innovation (2nd year); PSL University.
  • Dynamics of molecular processes in biological systems (2021-pres.); Master in Integrative Chemistry and Innovation (2nd year); PSL University.


72 Entrées « 1 de 2 »


Small-molecule autocatalysis drives compartment growth, competition and reproduction Article de journal

Heng Lu; Alex Blokhuis; Rebecca Turk-MacLeod; Jayaprakash Karuppusamy; Andrea Franconi; Gabrielle Woronoff; Cyrille Jeancolas; Afshin Abrishamkar; Estelle Loire; Fabien Ferrage; Philippe Pelupessy; Ludovic Jullien; Eörs Szathmary; Philippe Nghe; Andrew D Griffiths

Nature Chemistry, 16 , p. 70-78, 2024, ISSN: 1755-4330, 1755-4349.

Multivalent interactions of the disordered regions of XLF and XRCC4 foster robust cellular NHEJ and drive the formation of ligation-boosting condensates in vitro Article de journal

Duc-Duy Vu; Alessio Bonucci; Manon Brenière; Metztli Cisneros-Aguirre; Philippe Pelupessy; Ziqing Wang; Ludovic Carlier; Guillaume Bouvignies; Patricia Cortes; Aneel K Aggarwal; Martin Blackledge; Zoher Gueroui; Valérie Belle; Jeremy M Stark; Mauro Modesti; Fabien Ferrage

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 31 (11), p. 1732–1744, 2024, ISSN: 1545-9985.

Unraveling motion in proteins by combining NMR relaxometry and molecular dynamics simulations: A case study on ubiquitin Article de journal

Candide Champion; Marc Lehner; Albert A Smith; Fabien Ferrage; Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Sereina Riniker

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160 (10), p. 104105, 2024, ISSN: 0021-9606.


Efficient 18.8 T MAS-DNP NMR reveals hidden side chains in amyloid fibrils Article de journal

Alons Lends; Nicolas Birlirakis; Xinyi Cai; Asen Daskalov; Jayakrishna Shenoy; Muhammed Bilal; Mélanie Berbon; Fabien Ferrage; Yangping Liu; Antoine Loquet; Kong Ooi Tan

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 77 , 2023.

Comprehensive analysis of relaxation decays from high-resolution relaxometry Article de journal

Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Milan Zachrdla; Guillaume Bouvignies; Philippe Pelupessy; Fabien Ferrage

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 355 , p. 107555, 2023, ISSN: 1090-7807.


Explicit models of motions to understand protein side-chain dynamics Article de journal

Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Olivier Languin-Cattoën; Diego Carnevale; Milan Zachrdla; Damien Laage; Fabio Sterpone; Guillaume Stirnemann; Fabien Ferrage

Physical Review Letters, 129 , p. 203001, 2022.

Convergent Views on Disordered Protein Dynamics From NMR and Computational Approaches Article de journal

Nicola Salvi; Vojtěch Zapletal; Zuzana Jaseňáková; Milan Zachrdla; Petr Padrta; Subhash Narasimhan; Thorsten Marquardsen; Jean-Max Tyburn; Lukáš Žídek; Martin Blackledge; Fabien Ferrage; Pavel Kadeřávek

Biophysical Journal, 121 , p. 3785, 2022.

Explicit models of motions to analyze NMR relaxation data in proteins Article de journal

Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Fabien Ferrage

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157 , p. 125102, 2022.

How does it really move? Recent progress in the investigation of protein nanosecond dynamics by NMR and simulation Article de journal

Olof Stenström; Candide Champion; Marc Lehner; Guillaume Bouvignies; Sereina Ringer; Fabien Ferrage

Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 77 , p. 102459, 2022.

The soft breeze of the cation atmosphere around DNA Article de journal

Fabien Ferrage; Damien Laage

Biophysical Journal, 121 , p. 3307, 2022.

Explicit models of motions to understand protein side-chain dynamics Article de journal

Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Olivier Languin-Cattoën; Diego Carnevale; Milan Zachrdla; Damien Laage; Fabio Sterpone; Guillaume Stirnemann; Fabien Ferrage

Phys Rev Lett, 129 , p. 203001, 2022.


Detection of Metabolite–Protein Interactions in Complex Biological Samples by High-Resolution Relaxometry: Toward Interactomics by NMR Article de journal

Ziqing Wang, Simone Pisano, Veronica Ghini, Pavel Kadeřávek, Milan Zachrdla, Philippe Pelupessy, Morgan Kazmierczak, Thorsten Marquardsen, Jean-Max Tyburn, Guillaume Bouvignies, Giacomo Parigi, Claudio Luchinat,; Fabien Ferrage

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143 , p. 9393–9404, 2021.

Sequential assignment of NMR spectra of peptides at natural isotopic abundance with zero- and ultra-low-field total correlation spectroscopy (ZULF-TOCSY) Article de journal

Alexey S. Kiryutin, Ivan V. Zhukov, Fabien Ferrage, Geoffrey Bodenhausen, Alexandra V. Yurkovskaya; Konstantin L. Ivanov

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23 , p. 29715-9720 , 2021.

How wide is the window opened by high-resolution relaxometry on the internal dynamics of proteins in solution? Article de journal

Albert A. Smith, Nicolas Bolik-Coulon, Matthias Ernst, Beat H. Meier; Fabien Ferrage

J. Biomol. NMR, 75 , p. 119–131, 2021.


Two-field transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy for the study of large biomolecules – An in silico investigation Article de journal

Nicolas Bolik-Coulon, Philippe Pelupessy, Guillaume Bouvignies; Fabien Ferrage

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, 4 , p. 100007, 2020.

Surprising absence of strong homonuclear coupling at low magnetic field explored by two-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Article de journal

Ivan V. Zhukov, Alexey S. Kiryutin, Ziqing Wang, Milan Zachrdla, Alexandra V. Yurkovskaya, Konstantin L. Ivanov; Fabien Ferrage

Magnetic Resonance, 1 , p. 237–246, 2020.

Total Correlation Spectroscopy across All NMR-Active Nuclei by Mixing at Zero Field Article de journal

Ivan V. Zhukov, Alexey S. Kiryutin, Fabien Ferrage, Gerd Buntkowsky, Alexandra V. Yurkovskaya,; Konstantin L. Ivanov

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11 (17), p. 7291–7296, 2020.

Theoretical and computational framework for the analysis of the relaxation properties of arbitrary spin systems. Application to high-resolution relaxometry Article de journal

Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Pavel Kadeřávek; Philippe Pelupessy; Jean-Nicolas Dumez; Fabien Ferrage; Samuel F Cousin

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 313 , p. 106718, 2020, ISSN: 10907807.

Theoretical and computational framework for the analysis of the relaxation properties of arbitrary spin systems. Application to high-resolution relaxometry Article de journal

N Bolik-Coulon; P Kadeřávek; P Pelupessy; J-N Dumez; F Ferrage; S F Cousin

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 313 , p. 106718, 2020.

Boosting the resolution of low-field $$^15hbox N$$ relaxation experiments on intrinsically disordered proteins with triple-resonance NMR Article de journal

Zuzana Jaseňáková; Vojtěch Zapletal; Petr Padrta; Milan Zachrdla; Nicolas Bolik-Coulon; Thorsten Marquardsen; Jean-Max Tyburn; Lukáš Žídek; Fabien Ferrage; Pavel Kadeřávek

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 74 (2-3), p. 139–145, 2020, ISSN: 0925-2738.

Sensitivity-enhanced three-dimensional and carbon-detected two-dimensional NMR of proteins using hyperpolarized water Article de journal

Gregory L Olsen; Or Szekely; Borja Mateos; Pavel Kadeřávek; Fabien Ferrage; Robert Konrat; Roberta Pierattelli; Isabella C Felli; Geoffrey Bodenhausen; Dennis Kurzbach; Lucio Frydman

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 74 (2-3), p. 161–171, 2020, ISSN: 0925-2738.

Boosting the resolution of low‐field 15N relaxation experiments on intrinsically disordered proteins with triple‐resonance NMR Article de journal

Z Jasenáková; V Zapletal; P Padrta; M Zachrdla; N Bolik-Coulon; T Marquardsen; J-M Tyburn; L Zidek; F Ferrage

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 74 , p. 139, 2020.


Protein Dynamics from Accurate Low-Field Site-Specific Longitudinal and Transverse Nuclear Spin Relaxation Article de journal

P Kadeřávek; N Bolik-Coulon; S F Cousin; T Marquardsen; J-M Tyburn; J-N Dumez; F Ferrage

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10 , p. 5917, 2019.

Reducing bias in the analysis of solution-state NMR data with dynamics detectors Article de journal

Albert A. Smith; Matthias Ernst; Beat H. Meier; Fabien Ferrage

Journal of Chemical Physics, 151 , p. 034102, 2019.

Experimental characterization of the dynamics of IDPs and IDRs by NMR Livre

N Bolik-Coulon; G Bouvignies; L Carlier; F Ferrage

2019, ISBN: 9780128163481.

Understanding the methyl-TROSY effect over a wide range of magnetic fields Article de journal

N Bolik-Coulon; S F Cousin; P Kadeřávek; J-N Dumez; F Ferrage

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150 , p. 224202, 2019.


Determination of protein ps-ns motions by high-resolution relaxometry Livre

S F Cousin; P Kadeřávek; N Bolik-Coulon; F Ferrage


Measuring Solvent Hydrogen Exchange Rates by Multifrequency Excitation 15N CEST: Application to Protein Phase Separation Article de journal

T Yuwen; A Bah; J P Brady; F Ferrage; G Bouvignies; L E Kay

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122 (49), p. 11206–11217, 2018.

Analysis of NMR Spin-Relaxation Data Using an Inverse Gaussian Distribution Function Article de journal

A Hsu; F Ferrage; A G Palmer III

Biophysical Journal, 115 (12), p. 2301–2309, 2018.

Time-Resolved Protein Side-Chain Motions Unraveled by High-Resolution Relaxometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations Article de journal

S F Cousin; P Kadeřávek; N Bolik-Coulon; Y Gu; C Charlier; L Carlier; L Bruschweiler-Li; T Marquardsen; J -M Tyburn; R Brüschweiler; F Ferrage

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140 (41), p. 13456–13465, 2018.

High-Resolution NMR of Folded Proteins in Hyperpolarized Physiological Solvents Article de journal

P Kadeřávek; F Ferrage; G Bodenhausen; D Kurzbach

Chemistry - A European Journal, 24 (51), p. 13418–13423, 2018.


Full Correlations across Broad NMR Spectra by Two-Field Total Correlation Spectroscopy Article de journal

P Kadeřávek; L Strouk; S F Cousin; C Charlier; G Bodenhausen; T Marquardsen; J -M Tyburn; P -A Bovier; F Engelke; W Maas; F Ferrage

ChemPhysChem, 18 (19), p. 2772–2776, 2017.

Ultra-wide range field-dependent measurements of the relaxivity of Gd1-x Eux VO4 nanoparticle contrast agents using a mechanical sample-shuttling relaxometer Article de journal

C -Y Chou; M Abdesselem; C Bouzigues; M Chu; A Guiga; T -H Huang; F Ferrage; T Gacoin; A Alexandrou; D Sakellariou

Scientific Reports, 7 , 2017.

Structure and Dynamics of an Intrinsically Disordered Protein Region That Partially Folds upon Binding by Chemical-Exchange NMR Article de journal

C Charlier; G Bouvignies; P Pelupessy; A Walrant; R Marquant; M Kozlov; P De Ioannes; N Bolik-Coulon; S Sagan; P Cortes; A K Aggarwal; L Carlier; F Ferrage

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (35), p. 12219–12227, 2017.


Recovering Invisible Signals by Two-Field NMR Spectroscopy Article de journal

S F Cousin; P Kadeřávek; B Haddou; C Charlier; T Marquardsen; J -M Tyburn; P -A Bovier; F Engelke; W Maas; G Bodenhausen; P Pelupessy; F Ferrage

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 55 (34), p. 9886–9889, 2016.

Nuclear overhauser spectroscopy of chiral CHD methylene groups Article de journal

R Augustyniak; J Stanek; H Colaux; G Bodenhausen; W Koźmiński; T Herrmann; F Ferrage

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 64 (1), p. 27–37, 2016.

High-resolution two-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Article de journal

S F Cousin; C Charlier; P Kadeřávek; T Marquardsen; J -M Tyburn; P -A Bovier; S Ulzega; T Speck; D Wilhelm; F Engelke; W Maas; D Sakellariou; G Bodenhausen; P Pelupessy; F Ferrage

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (48), p. 33187–33194, 2016.

Protein dynamics from nuclear magnetic relaxation Article de journal

C Charlier; S F Cousin; F Ferrage

Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (9), p. 2410–2422, 2016.

Sample Shuttling Relaxometry of Contrast Agents: NMRD Profiles above 1 Ŧ with a Single Device Article de journal

Y Gossuin; Z Serhan; L Sandiford; D Henrard; T Marquardsen; R T M de Rosales; D Sakellariou; F Ferrage

Applied Magnetic Resonance, 47 (3), p. 237–246, 2016.


Identification of hydrophobic interfaces in protein-ligand complexes by selective saturation transfer NMR spectroscopy Article de journal

F Ferrage; K Dutta; D Cowburn

Molecules, 20 (12), p. 21992–21999, 2015.

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