Professeur des Universités, Sorbonne Université
Directeur de l’UMR8640

ENS – Département de chimie
24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris

Email: rodolphe.vuilleumier@ens.psl.eu
Phone: +33 144323324
Office: E119

We propose below 8 sections. Every member of the department can choose which one he/she wants to use. You can also use new ones. We only ask everyone to keep the general aspect of the page (no change of font, color, size, etc). For the picture, it must be 250px wide.

Short bio

You can decide to write text or use bullet points as below

Education and professional experience

  • Short CV
  • List by date

Research interests

  • List of keywords and themes

Awards and distinctions

  • You can also list the membership to professional organizations (SCF, e.g.)

Supervised students and post-doctorants

  • Currents and formers


  • You can also list teaching materials (we can upload pdf documents to the website)

Significant publications

  1. You can choose the full list of publications (below) or only selected ones


34 Entrées « 2 de 2 »


Determination of dihedral Ψ angles in large proteins by combining NHN/CαHα dipole/dipole cross-correlation and chemical shifts Article de journal

K Loth; D Abergel; P Pelupessy; M Delarue; P Lopes; J Ouazzani; N Duclert-Savatier; M Nilges; G Bodenhausen; V Stoven

Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 64 (4), p. 931–939, 2006.


A Markov model for relaxation and exchange in NMR spectroscopy Article de journal

D Abergel; A G Palmer III

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (11), p. 4837–4844, 2005.


Cross-correlated relaxation in NMR of macromolecules in the presence of fast and slow internal dynamics Article de journal

L Vugmeyster; P Pelupessy; B E Vugmeister; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen

Comptes Rendus Physique, 5 (3), p. 377–386, 2004.

A simple model for NMR relaxation in the presence of internal motions with dynamical coupling Article de journal

D Abergel; G Bodenhausen

Journal of Chemical Physics, 121 (2), p. 761–768, 2004.

34 Entrées « 2 de 2 »