Professeur des Universités, Sorbonne Université
Directeur de l’UMR8640

ENS – Département de chimie
24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris

Email: rodolphe.vuilleumier@ens.psl.eu
Phone: +33 144323324
Office: E119

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34 Entrées « 1 de 2 »


Targeting the Pentose Phosphate Pathway: Characterization of a New 6PGL Inhibitor Article de journal

A T Tran; A Sadet; P Calligari; P Lopes; J Ouazzani; M Sollogoub; E Miclet; D Abergel

Biophysical Journal, 115 (11), p. 2114–2126, 2018.

Sample Ripening through Nanophase Separation Influences the Performance of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Article de journal

E M M Weber; G Sicoli; H Vezin; G Frébourg; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen; D Kurzbach

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57 (18), p. 5171–5175, 2018.

Relaxation of long-lived modes in NMR of deuterated methyl groups Article de journal

K L Ivanov; T Kress; M Baudin; D Guarin; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen; D Kurzbach

Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (5), 2018.

Rates of Chemical Reactions Embedded in a Metabolic Network by Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation NMR Article de journal

A Sadet; E M M Weber; A Jhajharia; D Kurzbach; G Bodenhausen; E Miclet; D Abergel

Chemistry - A European Journal, 24 (21), p. 5456–5461, 2018.


Decomposition of proteins into dynamic units from atomic cross-correlation functions Article de journal

P Calligari; M Gerolin; D Abergel; A Polimeno

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 13 (1), p. 309–319, 2017.

Anisotropic longitudinal electronic relaxation affects DNP at cryogenic temperatures Article de journal

E M M Weber; H Vezin; J G Kempf; G Bodenhausen; D Abergél; D Kurzbach

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (24), p. 16087–16094, 2017.

Characterizing Thermal Mixing Dynamic Nuclear Polarization via Cross-Talk between Spin Reservoirs Article de journal

D Guarin; S Marhabaie; A Rosso; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen; K L Ivanov; D Kurzbach

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8 (22), p. 5531–5536, 2017.

Communication: Dissolution DNP reveals a long-lived deuterium spin state imbalance in methyl groups Article de journal

A Jhajharia; E M M Weber; J G Kempf; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen; D Kurzbach

Journal of Chemical Physics, 146 (4), 2017.

Single-Scan 13C Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy of DNP-Hyperpolarised Substrates Article de journal

L Guduff; D Kurzbach; C van Heijenoort; D Abergel; J -N Dumez

Chemistry - A European Journal, 23 (66), p. 16722–16727, 2017.


Dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization of deuterated molecules enhanced by cross- polarization Article de journal

D Kurzbach; E M M Weber; A Jhajharia; S F Cousin; A Sadet; S Marhabaie; E Canet; N Birlirakis; J Milani; S Jannin; D Eshchenko; A Hassan; R Melzi; S Luetolf; M Sacher; M Rossire; J Kempf; J A B Lohman; M Weller; G Bodenhausen; D Abergel

Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (19), 2016.


Toward quantitative measurements of enzyme kinetics by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization Article de journal

E Miclet; D Abergel; A Bornet; J Milani; S Jannin; G Bodenhausen

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5 (19), p. 3290–3295, 2014.

Multiple scale dynamics in proteins probed at multiple time scales through fluctuations of NMR chemical shifts Article de journal

P Calligari; D Abergel

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118 (14), p. 3823–3831, 2014.

On the reliability of NMR relaxation data analyses: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach Article de journal

D Abergel; A Volpato; E P Coutant; A Polimeno

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 246 , p. 94–103, 2014.


Large-scale production of microcrystals and precipitates of proteins and their complexes Article de journal

M Chan-Huot; L Duma; J -B Charbonnier; J -E Herbert-Pucheta; L Assairi; Y Blouquit; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen

Crystal Growth and Design, 12 (12), p. 6199–6207, 2012.

Insights into internal dynamics of 6-phosphogluconolactonase from Trypanosoma brucei studied by nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics Article de journal

P A Calligari; G F Salgado; P Pelupessy; P Lopes; J Ouazzani; G Bodenhausen; D Abergel

Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, 80 (4), p. 1196–1210, 2012.

Probing structural and motional features of the c-terminal part of the human Centrin 2/P17-XPC microcrystalline complex by solid-state NMR spectroscopy Article de journal

J -E Herbert-Pucheta; M Chan-Huot; L Duma; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen; L Assairi; Y Blouquit; J -B Charbonnier; P Tekely

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116 (50), p. 14581–14591, 2012.

Toward the characterization of fractional stochastic processes underlying methyl dynamics in proteins Article de journal

P Calligari; D Abergel

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116 (43), p. 12955–12965, 2012.


From NMR relaxation to fractional brownian dynamics in proteins: Results from a virtual experiment Article de journal

P Calligari; V Calandrini; G R Kneller; D Abergel

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115 (43), p. 12370–12379, 2011.


Fractional protein dynamics seen by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Relating molecular dynamics simulation and experiment Article de journal

V Calandrini; D Abergel; G R Kneller

Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (14), 2010.

Toward structural dynamics: Protein motions viewed by chemical shift modulations and direct detection of CŃ multiple-quantum relaxation Article de journal

M Mori; F Kateb; G Bodenhausen; M Piccioli; D Abergel

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (10), p. 3594–3600, 2010.

Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the Human Centrin 2/hSfi1 Complex Article de journal

J Martinez-Sanz; F Kateb; L Assairi; Y Blouquit; G Bodenhausen; D Abergel; L Mouawad; C T Craescu

Journal of Molecular Biology, 395 (1), p. 191–204, 2010.


Generating spin turbulence through nonlinear excitation in liquid-state NMR Article de journal

D Abergel; A Louis-Joseph

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 196 (2), p. 115–118, 2009.


Proton chemical shift anisotropy measurements of hydrogen-bonded functional groups by fast magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR spectroscopy Article de journal

L Duma; D Abergel; P Tekely; G Bodenhausen

Chemical Communications, (20), p. 2361–2363, 2008.

Towards the prediction of NMR relaxation rates in proteins from their structure by a network of coupled rotators Article de journal

G Nodet; G Bodenhausen; D Abergel

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 11 (4-5), p. 524–529, 2008.

Predicting NMR relaxation rates in anisotropically tumbling proteins through networks of coupled rotators Article de journal

G Nodet; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen

ChemPhysChem, 9 (4), p. 625–633, 2008.

Broadband dipolar recoupling for magnetization transfer in solid-state NMR correlation spectroscopy Article de journal

L Duma; D Abergel; F Ferrage; P Pelupessy; P Tekely; G Bodenhausen

ChemPhysChem, 9 (8), p. 1104–1106, 2008.


Weak calcium-mediated interactions between Lewis X-related trisaccharides studied by NMR measurements of residual dipolar couplings Article de journal

G Nodet; L Poggi; D Abergel; C Gourmala; D Dong; Y Zhang; J -M Mallet; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (29), p. 9080–9085, 2007.

An overview of recent developments in the interpretation and prediction of fast internal protein dynamics Article de journal

G Nodet; D Abergel

European Biophysics Journal, 36 (8), p. 985–993, 2007.

Networks of coupled rotators: Relationship between structures and internal dynamics in metal-binding proteins. Applications to apo- and holo-calbindin Article de journal

A Dhulesia; D Abergel; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (16), p. 4998–5006, 2007.


Slow backbone dynamics of the C-terminal fragment of human centrin 2 in complex with a target peptide probed by cross-correlated relaxation in multiple-quantum NMR spectroscopy Article de journal

F Kateb; D Abergel; Y Blouquit; P Duchambon; C T Craescu; G Bodenhausen

Biochemistry, 45 (50), p. 15011–15019, 2006.

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