Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Intitulé de l’enseignement

Code UE


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Niveau : M1
Semestre : S1
Responsable : Kong Ooi Tan
Volume horaire : 32h


This course offers a fundamental understanding of NMR spectroscopy, a widely applicable technique in the field of (bio)chemistry to study the structure and dynamics of interested system ranging from biomolecules, (in)organic molecules, etc. Analytical tools such as quantum mechanics and linear algebra will be used to help students building a solid foundation on the working principles of NMR pulse sequences, and how they can be exploited to extract useful information. A study tour will be arranged to visit the state-of-the-art DNP NMR spectrometers in our laboratory in the last week of the course. The achievement of these objectives is measurable by a written examination.


Course syllabus
1. Introduction to NMR: Boltzmann population; Density operators; Liouville-von Neumann equations; Spin interactions; Product-operator Formalism
2. Dynamics and Chemical Exchange; Solution-state biomolecular NMR; Introduction to MRI: Gradients; Contrast agent; Ernst angle; Selective pulses
3. Solid-state NMR: Spherical tensors; Powder spectra; Magic-angle spinning; Average Hamiltonian Theory
4. Recoupling sequences; Cross Polarization REDOR; Homonuclear and heteronuclear polarization transfer techniques; Spin Decoupling
5. Pathway towards structure determination of biomolecules: Assignment Strategy; Distance Restrains; Structure Calculations; Introduction to DNP


It is highly recommended (although not necessary) that the students revisit the course materials/lectures of the basic NMR course taught by Dr. Fabien Ferrage before enrolling in this course. A basic understanding of linear algebra and quantum mechanics will be essential and also very helpful.


[1] J. Keeler, ‘Understanding NMR Spectroscopy’, 2005, Wiley
[2] M. H. Levitt, ‘Spin Dynamics: Basic of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance’, 2001, Wiley