Advanced Magnetic Resonance (solid-state EPR and DNP NMR)

Intitulé de l’enseignement

Code UE


Advanced Magnetic Resonance (solid-state EPR and DNP NMR)
Niveau : M1
Semestre : S1
Responsable : Kong Ooi Tan
Volume horaire : 14h


This course further extends the contents covered in the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance course taught by the same instructor. It will introduce the basic concept of EPR spectroscopy, and how it merges with NMR to give birth to a new field, dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), which is an emerging and research-active topic. Latest development on the topic from literature (and also from our laboratory) will be discussed. The students will be assessed based an oral examination and invited to give a presentation.


Course syllabus
1. CW & Pulsed EPR; EPR Hamiltonians; Instrumentation; ENDOR; DEER; ESEEM/ HYSCORE; EDNMR; Applications to biomolecules, i.e. RNR and fibrils
2. Principles of CW DNP mechanisms: Solid effect; Cross effect; Thermal mixing; Overhauser effect; Dissolution DNP; MAS DNP
3. Pulsed DNP; DNP Instrumentation; Microwave sources; Gyrotron; DNP Probe;
4. DNP Applications to biological macromolecules ; membrane proteins; amyloid fibrils


The students should have taken the NMR course taught by the same instructor (Kong Ooi Tan) before taking this course.



[1] A. Schweiger and G. Jeschke, ‘Principles of Pulse Electron Paramagnetic Resonance’, 2001, Oxford University Press
[2] Q. Z. Ni et al., ‘High Frequency Dynamic Nuclear Polarization’, 2013, 46, Accounts of Chemical Research.
[3] A. Lilly Thankamony et al., ‘Dynamic nuclear polarization for sensitivity enhancement in modern solid-state NMR’, 2017, 120-195, PNMRS