Bio-inorganic Chemistry

Intitulé de l’enseignement Code UE Crédits
Bio-inorganic chemistry
CHIM-M1-C27-S1  4 ECTS

Niveau : M1
Semestre : S1
Professor : Clotilde Policar
Duration : 32h
The lecture will present recent advances in bio-inorganic chemistry. Dealing with fundamental thermodynamical and reactivity, key concepts in inorganic chemistry will be discussed on exampkes taken in biological systems in order to better understand how specific physico-chemical properties of metal cations are used by living systems. The lecture will describe endogenous metallic systems, mainly metalloproteins, but also inorganic artifical structures used in biology (as medecine, probes). It will also delineate how chemists can design bio-inspired metallic systems.
1. Metals ions in biology
1.1 Historical introduction
1.2 Assets of metal cations for usage in biology
1.3. Thermodynamics of the complexation and applications
2. Hemoglobin and myoglobin
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Characteristics of Hb abd Mb and functions
2.3 Chemical mimics of Hb and Mb
3. Cytochrome P450 and peroxidases
2.1 Hemoproteins
2.2 CytP450
2.3 Peroxidases
2.4 Comparing CytP450, peroxidases to hemoglobin
4. Other metalloproteins
This part will depend on time available and will be delineated later


Gilles Gasser (Edited book), Inorganic Biological Chemistry, Wiley, 2014
Bertini, H. Gray, E.I. Stiefel, J.S. Valentine (edited book)  Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Structure and Reactivity, University Science Books, 2007
H.-B. Kraatz, N. Metzler-Nolte (edited book) Concepts and models in bioinorganic chemistry, Wiley, 2006
G. Jaouen (edited book), Bioorganometallics—Biomolecules, labeling and medecine, Wiley, 2006
S.J. Lippard, J.M. Berg, Principles in bioinorganic chemistry University Science Book, Mill Valley, 1994