Olivier BURIEZ

Directeur de recherche

ENS – Département de chimie
24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris

Email: olivier.buriez@ens.psl.eu
Phone: 0144323262
Office: E010

Short bio

Olivier Buriez is a Molecular Electrochemist. During his PhD, performed under the supervision of Drs Christian Amatore & Jean-Noël Verpeaux (ENS-Paris), he addressed the reactivity of organometallic complexes activated by electron transfer. Then, he joined the groups of J.B. Kerr and R.H. Fish at the Berkeley Lab. (LBNL, Univ. of California, USA) to investigate the structure-activity relationships and mechanistic aspects of bioorganometallic compounds. In 1999,  he obtained a CNRS permanent position in the group of J. Périchon (LECSO lab.) where he used electrochemistry to understand mechanisms involved in metal-catalyzed electro-reductive processes. In 2006, he moved back to ENS to address the reactivity and transport issues related to biological molecules. Since 2015, he’s Officer of the Molecular Electrochemistry Division of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE).

Education and professional experience

  • Since 2006   CNRS Researcher at ENS, Paris
  • 2005              Habilitation
  • 1999-2005    CNRS Researcher, LECSO lab., Thiais, France
  • 1997-1999    Post doc at the Berkeley lab. (LBNL), USA
  • 1996-1997    Assistant Professor, Université Paris XII
  • 1993-1996    PhD Thesis, ENS, Paris

Research interests

  • Keywords: Electrochemistry; Reactivity; Mechanisms; (bio)-Molecules; Fluorescence; Luminescence

Our ambition is to bring new insights and new entries in major issues such as the metabolism (i.e., the chemical transformations) and the distribution (i.e., the transmembrane passages) of molecules possessing therapeutic properties through lipid membranes. Within this context, we adapt our electrochemical procedures to the experimental constraints of the phenomena investigated rather than adapting the phenomena to our methods. Combining electrochemistry and fluorescence microscopy is a typical example of this guideline.

Significant publications

  1. “The Fundamental Input of Analytical Electrochemistry in the Determination of Intermediates and Reaction Mechanisms in Electrosynthetic Processes.” ChemElectroChem Minireview  2019 DOI 10.1002/celc.201900045
  2. “Redox switchable rhodamine-ferrocene dyad: Exploring imaging possibilities in cells.”  Electrochemistry Communications, 2018, 97,  46.
  3. “Selective Electrochemical Bleaching of the Outer Leaflet of Fluorescently Labelled Giant Liposomes.”  Chem. Eur.J., 2017, 23, 6781. Front Cover Picture.
  4. “Monitoring and Quantifying the Passive Transport of Molecules Through Patch–Clamp Suspended Real and Model Cell Membranes.” Angew. Chem. Int Ed. , 2014, 53, 3192.  Key Scientific Article  of the Global Medical Discovery newsfeed.
  5. “Electrochemical aerobic oxidation of aminocyclopropanes to endoperoxides”.  Angew. Chem. Int Ed. , 2007, 46, 8046.

Publications (full record)

  • Google Scholar: Click Here
  • ResearchGate: Click Here


132 Entrées « 5 de 9 »


Oxidative Sequence of a Ruthenocene-Based Anticancer Drug Candidate in a Basic Environment Article de journal

Hui Zhi Shirley Lee; Olivier Buriez; Eric Labbe; Siden Top; Pascal Pigeon; Gerard Jaouen; Christian Amatore; Weng Kee Leong

Organometallics, 33 (18), p. 4940-4946, 2014.

Oxidative sequence of a ruthenocene-based anticancer drug candidate in a basic environment Article de journal

Hui Zhi Shirley Lee; Olivier Buriez; Eric Labbé; Siden Top; Pascal Pigeon; Gérard Jaouen; Christian Amatore; Weng Kee Leong

Organometallics, 33 (18), p. 4940–4946, 2014.

Uncovering the Missing Link between Molecular Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis: Mechanism of the Reduction of Benzyl Chloride at Silver Cathodes Article de journal

Oleksiy V Klymenko; Olivier Buriez; Eric Labbé; Dong-Ping Zhan; Sandra Rondinini; Zhong-Qun Tian; Irina Svir; Christian Amatore

ChemElectroChem, 1 (1), p. 227-240, 2014.

Uncovering the missing link between molecular electrochemistry and electrocatalysis: Mechanism of the reduction of benzyl chloride at silver cathodes Article de journal

Oleksiy V Klymenko; Olivier Buriez; Eric Labbé; Dong-Ping Zhan; Sandra Rondinini; Zhong-Qun Tian; Irina Svir; Christian Amatore

ChemElectroChem, 1 (1), p. 227–240, 2014.


Electrochemistry and Supramolecular Interactions of “Ferrocifen” Anticancer Drugs with Cyclodextrins and Lipid Bilayers: An Electrochemical Overview Book Chapter

Olivier Buriez; Eric Labbé; Christian Amatore

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis, p. 631-651, 2013.

Electrochemistry and Supramolecular Interactions of “Ferrocifen” Anticancer Drugs with Cyclodextrins and Lipid Bilayers: An Electrochemical Overview Inproceedings

Olivier Buriez; Eric Labbé; Christian Amatore

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis: The Silver/Gold Jubilee International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Celebratory Book, p. 631–651, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, USA 2013.

NHC-capped cyclodextrins (ICyDs): Insulated metal complexes, commutable multicoordination sphere, and cavity-dependent catalysis Article de journal

M Guitet; P Zhang; F Marcelo; C Tugny; J Jiménez-Barbero; O Buriez; C Amatore; V Mouriès-Mansuy; J -P Goddard; L Fensterbank; Y Zhang; S Roland; M Ménand; M Sollogoub

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 52 (28), p. 7213–7218, 2013.

Surface grafting of a $pi$-conjugated amino-ferrocifen drug Article de journal

Olivier Buriez; Fetah I Podvorica; Anouk Galtayries; Eric Labbé; Siden Top; Anne Vessi`eres; Gérard Jaouen; Catherine Combellas; Christian Amatore

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 699 , p. 21–27, 2013.

Surface grafting of a π-conjugated amino-ferrocifen drug Article de journal

O Buriez; F I Podvorica; A Galtayries; E Labbé; S Top; A Vessières; G Jaouen; C Combellas; C Amatore

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 699 , p. 21–27, 2013.

Synthesis, characterization, and antiproliferative activities of novel ferrocenophanic suberamides against human triple-negative MDA-MB-231 and hormone-dependent MCF-7 breast cancer cells Article de journal

J D J Cázares-Marinero; O Buriez; E Labbé; S Top; C Amatore; G Jaouen

Organometallics, 32 (20), p. 5926–5934, 2013.

The effect of protic electron donor aromatic substituents on ferrocenic and [3] ferrocenophanic anilines and anilides: Some aspects of structure--activity relationship studies on organometallic compounds with strong antiproliferative effects Article de journal

José de Jes'us Cázares-Marinero; Eric Labbé; Siden Top; Olivier Buriez; Christian Amatore; Gérard Jaouen

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 744 , p. 92–100, 2013.

The effect of protic electron donor aromatic substituents on ferrocenic and [3]ferrocenophanic anilines and anilides: Some aspects of structureeactivity relationship studies on organometallic compounds with strong antiproliferative effects Article de journal

J De Jesús Cázares-Marinero; E Labbé; S Top; O Buriez; C Amatore; G Jaouen

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 744 , p. 92–100, 2013.


Deciphering the activation sequence of ferrociphenol anticancer drug candidates Article de journal

P Messina; E Labbé; O Buriez; E A Hillard; A Vessières; D Hamels; S Top; G Jaouen; Y M Frapart; D Mansuy; C Amatore

Chemistry - A European Journal, 18 (21), p. 6581–6587, 2012.

Deciphering the activation sequence of ferrociphenol anticancer drug candidates Article de journal

Pierluca Messina; Eric Labbé; Olivier Buriez; Elizabeth A Hillard; Anne Vessi`eres; Didier Hamels; Siden Top; Gérard Jaouen; Yves Michel Frapart; Daniel Mansuy; others

Chemistry--A European Journal, 18 (21), p. 6581–6587, 2012.

Direct electrochemical reduction of organic halide droplets dispersed in water Article de journal

E Deunf; E Labbé; J N Verpeaux; O Buriez; C Amatore

RSC Advances, 2 (12), p. 5398–5402, 2012.

132 Entrées « 5 de 9 »