Directrice de Recherche CNRS
ENS – Département de Physique, LPENS , 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
Email: marie-laure.bocquet AT; Phone: coming soon!!
Short bio
*29.12.1968 (birth name : Citerne), married to Lyderic Bocquet, 3 children (1994,1998,2001)
Education and professional experience
- 2022- : CNRS Research Director (DR1) in ENS Département de Physique, « LPENS », Paris
- 2021-2022: CNRS Research Director (DR1) in ENS Département de Chimie, « Pasteur », Paris
- 2011-2021 : CNRS Research Director (DR2) in ENS, Département de Chimie, Paris (2011-2014 : ENS de Lyon, Lyon)
- 1997-2011 : CNRS Research Fellow (1997-2004 : IRCE Villeurbanne, 2004-2010 : ENS de Lyon, Lyon)
- 2004 : Habilitation, University of Lyon, Lyon
- 1996 : PhD in theoretical chemistry (advisor P. Sautet)
- 1994-1997 : Teaching & PhD Scholarship at ENS de Lyon (Agrégée-Préparatrice)
- 1989-1993 : Student Scholarship at ENS de Lyon (Material Sciences)
Research Theme : Ab Initio Imaging of Reactive Interfaces at the molecular scale
- Molecules on inorganic surfaces in UHV for nanolectronic and nanomagnetic devices (Collabs : N. Lorente, San Sebastian; W. Auwarter, Munich; R. Berndt, Kiel; L. Limot, Strasbourg)
- 2D materials in liquid water for the water-energy nexus (Collab: L. Bocquet, Micromegas Team, LPENS)
Awards and distinctions
- 1992 : National teaching National Exam « Agrégation de Chimie »
- 2007-2008 : Fellowship (1 year) of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation in LMU Munich (host : Prof. J. Wintterlin, LUM, Munich)
- 2013-2014 : Invited Professor (1 year) of Massachussets Institute of Technology in UMI CNRS-MIT, Cambridge MA, US
- 2016 : Mercator Fellow (1month) Christian-Albrecht Kiel University, Germany (host : R. Berndt)
- 2019 : Fellowship (3 months) of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation in Frei Universität Berlin (host : Prof.Katharina Franke, FU, Berlin)
- 2022 : Invited professor (3 months) in Frei Universität Berlin (host : Prof. R. Netz)
Publications and Invited Talks (*06/2022)
- 92 publications in international refereed journals (involving 1 Science, 1 Nature, 2 Nature Chemistry, 1 Nature Chemistry Review, 4 Nature Communication, 7 Physical Review Letters, 8 Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2 Angewandte Chem.)
- H-index : 36 ; ~4500 citations (WoS)
- 29 Invited International Conferences
- 28 Invited Seminars at foreign Institutions
- Press Coverages :
List of Publications
Supervised students and post-doctorants
- Currents : Ismail Can Oguz (Post-doc), Anton Robert (PhD)
- Previous (recent ones): Marie Lattelais (Post-doc), Sebastien Nenon (Post-doc), Marisa Farragi (Post-doc), Felix Mouhat (post-doc), Benoit Grosjean (PhD)
Professional Service in Academia and Science
- 2016-2021 : nominated member of the French Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique, CoCNRS Section 13
- 2011-2015 : nominated member of the French Conseil National des Universités CNU in section 31 for theoretical and analytical chemistry.
Research Managements
- 2006-2010 : PI of Research National Agency ANR starting grant (INESS)
- 2006-2009 : French PI of EU Marie Curie ITN FP6-PEOPLE-EST (MONET: MOlecular NETworks at Phase Boundaries)
- 2010-2013 : French PI of EU Marie Curie ITN FP7-PEOPLE-ITN (SMALL: Surface for Molecular Recognition)
- 2012-2015 : PI of Research National Agency ANR transnational grant with TUM Munich Germany (RIDERPORPH)
- 2017-2021 : Local PI of H2020- 386 FETOPEN (NANOPHLOW)
- 08/2020-07/2022 : Member of the FETOPEN (ITS-THIN), node « CNRS Paris », PI: A. Gölzhäuser,
University of Bielefeld