Directrice de Recherche CNRS – Professeure attachée à l’ENS
Directrice du département Chimie de l’ENS

ENS – Département de chimie
24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris

Phone: +33 144322429
Office: E135

Short bio



  • « Habilitation », University of Paris XI, Orsay                                                     1999
  • Ph. D. in chemical physics, University of Paris XI, Orsay, France                1992
  • Graduate of « Ecole Normale Supérieure », Paris                                               1992
  • M. Sc. (French Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) University of Paris XI   1990

Positions held

  • 2009-present : Research fellow, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (permanent position), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
  • 1994-2009 : Research fellow, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (permanent position), University of Paris XI, Orsay, France
  • 1999 : Visiting scientist at the Material Research Laboratory, University of California at Santa Barbara (Pr. A.K. Cheetham)
  • 1993-1994 : Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, Imperial College, London (Pr. D. Nicholson)
  • Research interests

    • Thermodynamics of confined fluids

    Awards and distinctions

    • PhD award : «  Nathalie Demassieux », Chancellerie des Universités de Paris, 1993
    • Bronze Medal, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1999
    • Légion d’honneur, 2017

    Supervised students and post-doctorants

    • 17 directions and co-directions


    • Statistical thermodynamics


    41 Entrées « 1 de 2 »


    Structure and Dynamics of Water Confined in Imogolite Nanotubes Article de journal

    L Scalfi; G Fraux; A Boutin; F -X Coudert

    Langmuir, 34 (23), p. 6748–6756, 2018.

    On the use of the IAST method for gas separation studies in porous materials with gate-opening behavior Article de journal

    G Fraux; A Boutin; A H Fuchs; F -X Coudert

    Adsorption, 24 (3), p. 233–241, 2018.

    Classical Polarizable Force Field to Study Hydrated Charged Clays and Zeolites Article de journal

    S Tesson; W Louisfrema; M Salanne; A Boutin; E Ferrage; B Rotenberg; V Marry

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (43), p. 24690–24704, 2018.

    Structure and Dynamics of Solvated Polymers near a Silica Surface: On the Different Roles Played by Solvent Article de journal

    E Perrin; M Schoen; F -X Coudert; A Boutin

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122 (16), p. 4573–4582, 2018.


    New Molecular Simulation Method to Determine Both Aluminum and Cation Location in Cationic Zeolites Article de journal

    M Jeffroy; C Nieto-Draghi; A Boutin

    Chemistry of Materials, 29 (2), p. 513–523, 2017.

    Classical Polarizable Force Field to Study Dry Charged Clays and Zeolites Article de journal

    S Tesson; W Louisfrema; M Salanne; A Boutin; B Rotenberg; V Marry

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (18), p. 9833–9846, 2017.

    Transport and adsorption under liquid flow: the role of pore geometry Article de journal

    J -M Vanson; A Boutin; M Klotz; F -X Coudert

    Soft Matter, 13 (4), p. 875–885, 2017.

    Kinetic Accessibility of Porous Material Adsorption Sites Studied through the Lattice Boltzmann Method Article de journal

    J -M Vanson; F -X Coudert; M Klotz; A Boutin

    Langmuir, 33 (6), p. 1405–1411, 2017.


    Mechanism of water adsorption in the large pore form of the gallium-based MIL-53 metal-organic framework Article de journal

    G Weber; I Bezverkhyy; J -P Bellat; A Ballandras; G Ortiz; G Chaplais; J Patarin; F -X Coudert; A H Fuchs; A Boutin

    Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 222 , p. 145–152, 2016.

    Cation Migration and Structural Deformations upon Dehydration of Nickel-Exchanged NaY Zeolite: A Combined Neutron Diffraction and Monte Carlo Study Article de journal

    W Louisfrema; J -L Paillaud; F Porcher; E Perrin; T Onfroy; P Massiani; A Boutin; B Rotenberg

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (32), p. 18115–18125, 2016.

    Heterometallic metal-organic frameworks of MOF-5 and UiO-66 families: Insight from computational chemistry Article de journal

    F Trousselet; A Archereau; A Boutin; F -X Coudert

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (43), p. 24885–24894, 2016.


    Hydrothermal Breakdown of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks: A Study by First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Article de journal

    V Haigis; F -X Coudert; R Vuilleumier; A Boutin; A H Fuchs

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 (21), p. 4365–4370, 2015.

    Unexpected coupling between flow and adsorption in porous media Article de journal

    J -M Vanson; F -X Coudert; B Rotenberg; M Levesque; C Tardivat; M Klotz; A Boutin

    Soft Matter, 11 (30), p. 6125–6133, 2015.

    Softening upon Adsorption in Microporous Materials: A Counterintuitive Mechanical Response Article de journal

    F Mouhat; D Bousquet; A Boutin; L Bouëssel Du Bourg; F -X Coudert; A H Fuchs

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 (21), p. 4265–4269, 2015.


    Reorientational Dynamics of Water Confined in Zeolites Article de journal

    Aoife C Fogarty; Francois-Xavier Coudert; A Boutin; D Laage

    Chemphyschem, 15 (3), p. 521-529, 2014, ISSN: 1439-4235, (WOS:000331407900015).

    Thermal and mechanical stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks polymorphs Article de journal

    L Bouëssel Du Bourg; A U Ortiz; A Boutin; F -X Coudert

    APL Materials, 2 (12), 2014.

    What makes zeolitic imidazolate frameworks hydrophobic or hydrophilic? the impact of geometry and functionalization on water adsorption Article de journal

    A U Ortiz; A P Freitas; A Boutin; A H Fuchs; F -X Coudert

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (21), p. 9940–9949, 2014.

    A thermodynamic description of the adsorption-induced structural transitions in flexible MIL-53 metal-organic framework Article de journal

    F -X Coudert; A Boutin; A H Fuchs

    Molecular Physics, 112 (9-10), p. 1257–1261, 2014.

    Challenges in first-principles NPT molecular dynamics of soft porous crystals: A case study on MIL-53(Ga) Article de journal

    V Haigis; Y Belkhodja; F -X Coudert; R Vuilleumier; A Boutin

    Journal of Chemical Physics, 141 (6), 2014.

    Water adsorption in flexible gallium-based MIL-53 metal-organic framework Article de journal

    F -X Coudert; A U Ortiz; V Haigis; D Bousquet; A H Fuchs; A Ballandras; G Weber; I Bezverkhyy; N Geoffroy; J -P Bellat; G Ortiz; G Chaplais; J Patarin; A Boutin

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (10), p. 5397–5405, 2014.

    Molecular simulation of zeolite flexibility Article de journal

    M Jeffroy; C Nieto-Draghi; A Boutin

    Molecular Simulation, 40 (1-3), p. 6–15, 2014.

    Prediction of flexibility of metal-organic frameworks CAU-13 and NOTT-300 by first principles molecular simulations Article de journal

    A U Ortiz; A Boutin; F -X Coudert

    Chemical Communications, 50 (44), p. 5867–5870, 2014.


    Temperature-induced structural transitions in the gallium-based MIL-53 metal-organic framework Article de journal

    A Boutin; D Bousquet; A U Ortiz; F -X Coudert; A H Fuchs; A Ballandras; G Weber; I Bezverkhyy; J -P Bellat; G Ortiz; G Chaplais; J -L Paillaud; C Marichal; H Nouali; J Patarin

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (16), p. 8180–8188, 2013.

    Adsorption induced transitions in soft porous crystals: An osmotic potential approach to multistability and intermediate structures Article de journal

    D Bousquet; F -X Coudert; A G J Fossati; A V Neimark; A H Fuchs; A Boutin

    Journal of Chemical Physics, 138 (17), 2013.

    Metal-organic frameworks with wine-rack motif: What determines their flexibility and elastic properties? Article de journal

    A U Ortiz; A Boutin; A H Fuchs; F -X Coudert

    Journal of Chemical Physics, 138 (17), 2013.

    Investigating the pressure-induced amorphization of zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF-8: Mechanical instability due to shear mode softening Article de journal

    A U Ortiz; A Boutin; A H Fuchs; F -X Coudert

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4 (11), p. 1861–1865, 2013.

    Investigation of structure and dynamics of the hydrated metal-organic framework MIL-53(Cr) using first-principles molecular dynamics Article de journal

    V Haigis; F -X Coudert; R Vuilleumier; A Boutin

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (43), p. 19049–19056, 2013.

    Adsorption deformation and structural transitions in metal-organic frameworks: From the unit cell to the crystal Article de journal

    F -X Coudert; A Boutin; A H Fuchs; A V Neimark

    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4 (19), p. 3198–3205, 2013.


    Extension of Marcus picture for electron transfer reactions with large solvation changes Article de journal

    R Vuilleumier; K A Tay; G Jeanmairet; D Borgis; A Boutin

    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (4), p. 2067–2074, 2012.

    Anisotropic elastic properties of flexible metal-organic frameworks: How soft are soft porous crystals? Article de journal

    A U Ortiz; A Boutin; A H Fuchs; F -X Coudert

    Physical Review Letters, 109 (19), 2012.

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