Program Chemistry & Life Sciences

General presentation of the master track

Because of their complexity, biological systems appear to chemists as the ultimate playground in terms of chemical reactivity, analytical challenges and modeling, while chemistry is often considered by biologists as the most appropriate level of description to unravel biological processes.
Built on the renowned expertise of several schools and research institutes of Université PSL – ENS – PSL, Chimie Paris – PSL, ESPCI Paris – PSL, Mines Paris – PSL, the Institut Curie and the Collège de France – the Chemistry & Life Sciences track prepares students in exploring biological systems in new ways using the knowledge of chemistry and biology. Beyond the academic applications, exploring the chemical frontiers of living matters opens new opportunities for addressing important problems of our world.
The Chemistry & Life Sciences track of the Master’s degree of Chemistry (co-accredited by PSL University and Sorbonne University) aims at training highly motivated students interested in interrogating quantitatively and comprehensively biological systems at the molecular, cellular and network levels using various experimental and theoretical approaches. It proposes high quality core courses in chemistry and biology, and a broad range of specialized courses covering various topics at the chemistry/ biology interface. The track allows students to develop their creativity through various research projects and internships, and to learn the latest discoveries and innovations at the chemical frontiers of living matter through privileged interactions with faculty members.


The Chemistry & Life Sciences track is a two-year Master’s degree (120 ECTS) at the interface between Chemistry and Biology. Applicants must hold a Bachelor degree in Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Biochemistry or equivalent.
Please note that the Master is taught in English.

Educational program

60 ECTS per year, including a 20 weeks/6 months internship during the second semester (30 ECTS). Courses are mainly given from September to January (S1 or S3). Students following the CSDV track from the M1 can choose courses on S1, S2 and S3.
Full syllabi: Click HERE!!

Course Title

Language Timetable ECTS
Mandatory Courses   42
Master C&LS Seminar Series eng 30 3
Current Challenges at the C&LS Interface (M1 or M2) eng 30 3
Research design and project conception (only M2) eng 60 6
Internship in laboratory or equivalent (Feb.-July) 20 weeks 30
CSDV Courses 12-18 ECTS to validate among 6 courses 12/18
Chemical Biology for probing life and discovering drugs eng 30 6
Les médicaments issus des biotechnologies fr 60 6
Médicaments : des robots et des hommes fr 60 6
Statistical mechanics for complex chemical and biochemical systems eng 32 6
Systems Chemistry of Living and Synthetic Matter eng 60 6
Valorisation des bioressources fr 60 6
Optional Courses 0-6 ECTS to validate among 32 courses 0/6
Advanced Chemistry (S2) eng 30 3
Advanced Magnetic Resonance (solid-state EPR and DNP NMR) eng 14 2
Analytical and biological chemistry: Basic concepts in cellular biology and enzymology (S2) eng 15 2
Analytical and biological chemistry: Bioimaging (S2) eng 15 2
Analytical and biological chemistry: Bioinorganic chemistry (S2) eng 15 2
Analytical and biological chemistry: Modern analytical chemistry for biology and medical diagnosis (S2) eng 15 2
Analytical chemistry (S2) eng 30 3
Bio-inorganic chemistry eng 32 4
Biologie Cellulaire I fr 35 6
Biologie Cellulaire II fr 60 6
Chemical Biology and Molecular Biotechnology (S2) eng 33 3
Data Analysis eng 30 3
Epigenetics: from biological phenomena to molecular mechanism eng 60 6
Frontiers in microbial systems eng 30 3
Fundamentals in biomaterial Science eng 24 3
Fundamentals of biochemistry eng 24 2
Inorganic Chemistry eng 40 6
Inorganic spectroscopies eng 14 2
Interface Physics Biology (S2) eng 33 3
Microbiologie appliquée et bioprocédés fr 60 6
Molecular biology & genetics eng 39 6
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance eng 32 4
Optical microscopy : principles and applications eng 30 3
Organic chemistry I eng 40 6
Organic chemistry II fr 40 6
Physicochimie analytique pour la bioanalyse et l’environnement fr 12 2
Principles in tissue engineering eng 21 3
Scientific communication eng 20 3
Soft Matter (S2) eng 30 3
Statistical Learning: Statistics, Modelling and Machine Learning eng 30 3
Synthetic Chemistry and Application (S2) eng 33 3
Thermodynamique statistique fr 40 6
TOTAL   60

General information

Master track’s Academic Director: Mathieu MOREL (ENS – SU), Mathilde LEPOITEVIN (ENS – PSL)
Program type: Initial training and executive education
Main teaching language: English

Learning outcomes

The program Chemistry & Life Sciences aims at training highly motivated students interested in interrogating quantitatively and comprehensively biological systems at the molecular, cellular and network levels using various experimental and theoretical approaches. It allows students to develop their creativity through various research projects and internships, and to learn the latest discoveries and innovations at the chemical frontiers of living matter through privileged interactions with PSL faculty members.

Career opportunities

This program leads to a large number of opportunities, including:

      • Academic research (PhD, postdocs)
      • Private sector research, development and production
      • Medical research
      • Innovation and entrepreneurship
      • Scientific patenting
      • Consulting

Association of ChemistrY and Life Sciences (ACYLS)

A group of highly motivated students and alumni of the Master created the Association of ChemistrY and Life Sciences (ACYLS)! They help the new students each year feel well integrated into the program.
Find out more about their story, mission, team and resources: ACYLS

Admission process: Please visit the Master website on PSL website
For more info you can contact the heads of the program: