Use of the Website

Evolution of the website

If you have any comments or suggestions for the evolution of the website, please write to

Creation of a personal website

If you want your own independent personal website (but hosted by the department), send a request to We offer a short tutorial to guide you in your first steps.

Personal page

If you edit your personal page with the Visual tab, the text will be under the picture (left below) and not next to it (right below).

To get the right rendering, you need to go to the “Text” tab and replace the top lines (starting with the one starting with “<img …” to the one with “Office: …”) with this code:

<table style="border: none;width: 80%">
   <td style="border: none;width: 300px"><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Rodolphe.jpg" width="250" alt="" /></td>
   <td style="border: none">
      <p><b>Professeur des Universités, Sorbonne Université</b>
      Directeur de l'UMR8640</p>
      <p>ENS - Département de chimie
      24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris</p>
         Phone: +33 144323324
         Office: E119</p>

Editing a page

All members of the department (including non-permanents) can have a personal page. Just send a request to

Instructions for use in pdf