IMAP is glad to be part of the MOF4AIR project, check our project video!

13 January 2021

video here

Decades of combustion of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions have made climate change one of the most serious challenges that humanity has to face today. The development of a strong CCUS chain (for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage) is a solution to capture carbon dioxide before it is even emitted into the atmosphere and therefore minimize human greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The MOF4AIR project:
The MOF4AIR project is a project financed by the European Commission to develop and demonstrate a new solution to capture more efficiently carbon dioxide from power plants and industries. To do so, MOF4AIR uses carbon dioxide adsorption with innovative porous sorbents called Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that have shown promising potential for selective removal of carbon dioxide from exhaust gases. However, MOFs have so far not been properly tested in the harsh industrial conditions present in real exhaust gases and at the exposure times needed to be used in real CO2 capture processes. The purpose of the MOF4AIR project is thus to test the performances of MOFs in real industrial operation in order to support the progress of carbon capture and the decarbonization of the industry and power supply through CCUS.

This video presents the MOF4AIR project.

More information
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Project duration: July 2019 – July 2023
Partners: University of MONS, SINTEF, Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Politecnico di Milano, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources And Saving Foundation, SiKEMIA, MOF Technologies Limited, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), ENG TECH Co., Technology Centre Mongstad, SOLAMAT MEREX, Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş. (Tüpraş), Euroquality, Türkiye Çimento Müstahsilleri Birliği.