Refund request at ENS

Expense management

What is an expense account?
An expense account has been set up in the department. It allows to initiate small expenses (less than 30 €) and to be reimbursed in cash with budgetary charge on ENS allocations (research or recurrent contracts).

► Procedure to follow:
Fill in the cash reimbursement request form and send it by email with mention of your tutelage [ENS] [SU] [CNRS] or [ESPCI], after agreement and signature of the person in charge of the budget line, to Richard AROQUIAME, expense manager. He will proceed to the reimbursement in cash against discharge.

Revenue management

What is it ?
A revenue office has been set up in the department. It allows to cash the proceeds of various sales (photocopy cards, books, goodies…) for which the purpose and the rate have been submitted to the approval of the ENS Board of Directors.

►The procedure to follow:
You are invited to contact Richard AROQUIAME, who is authorized as a revenue manager to proceed to the various collections, with mention [ENS] [SU] [ESPCI] [CNRS] according to your tutelage.