ENS – Renewal

The demand has to be sent to the RH division along with the necessary documents while respecting the instructional deadlines.

Instructional deadlines

Identic to the instructional deadline of the first demand.
►For the recruitment of a European : 3 weeks
►For the recruitment of an EC extra-European : 8 weeks
►For the recruitment of a BIATSS extra-European : 12 weeks (minimum)

►Recruitment on 09/01 : completed file to return before the previous 06/30
►Recruitment on 01/01 : completed file to return before the previous 11/15

Levels of remuneration

►A renewing doesn’t generate a modification of the occupied job, from the level of recruitment to the level of remuneration.

Needed documents
Recruitment demand file checking the “renewing” box
►Any document that could indicate a personal situation change of the agent (new RIB, address change, …)