Publication of an ENS PSL job offer

General context
Within the framework of the HRS4R, at the ENS :
Any recruitment with a duration > or = 1 year must be published.

► The job offer must be published on a digital space and must benefit from a publication period of at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the selection process.

Publication of an offer by the SRH of the ENS ( Pôle développement RH )

► The ENS HR development pole publishes job offers in the following cases:
– support function (BIATSS/ITA),
– jobs subject to a positive arbitration during the campaigns of means,
– jobs financed by the School.

► The Job Profile is to be sent to the HR department, which will be responsible for making the link with the central services.
► The job offer will be published on the public job board, the PSL Job Portal and possibly Pôle emploi.
The ENS HR development pole does not publish offers for jobs financed on research projects or agreements.

Publication of a job offer – Funding on research contract

Jobs financed on research projects or agreements must be subject to an advertising and candidate selection process ensured by the project holders.

► In this case, you can publish the offer via digital spaces such as:
– Euraxess Jobs:
– APEC :
– Place de l’emploi public :
– Etc,…

Publication process on Euraxess

► Any job offer can be published on Euraxess (PhD student, researcher CDD, postdoctoral fellow, BIATSS/ITA)
Translation into French is necessary for BIATSS/ITA recruitment (possibility to publish in French on Euraxess). In the context of the recruitment of a non-European BIATSS/ITA contract worker, an offer not published in French on a public site must be translated by a sworn translation.account creation procedure

► An “account creation and publication of an offer” form is available for you
(remember to indicate “Ecole normale Supérieure” in Organization/Company).
Information requested when entering a Job Offer on Euraxess