Publication of an CNRS job offer

Imperative publication on the CNRS Job Portal

► For any recruitment lasting more than 3 months (regardless of the source of funding), the vacancy to be filled must be published on the CNRS Job Portal (except in exceptional cases – see below and in the Contractual Recruitment Guide).
► This concerns job offers for contractual staff, researchers, engineers, technicians and doctoral students.
► Job offers for contract researchers/doctoral students must be translated into English
► The offer must be posted for at least 3 weeks on the Job Portal before the first interviews.

Publication on Euraxess, Pôle Emploi,…

► Researchers/doctoral fellows offers are automatically published on Euraxess (once translated into English)
► The IT fixed-term contract offers are automatically published on Pôle Emploi
► The posting process on the CNRS Job Portal is mandatory but not exclusive. However, in case of diffusion on another recruitment platform, candidates should be directed to the Job Portal application space.

Exceptional cases

Are not subject to publication of an offer on Job Portal:
► Recruitments whose duration is less than 3 months
► Amendments to existing contracts (e.g.: extension of the duration of a fixed-term contract, change of funding source, etc.)