ENS – ANR deposit

Administrative information to be filled in:

RNSR number: 199812965F (PASTEUR) / 200919226N (LBM) / 201622206X (IMAP)
Name of the institution hosting the work : Ecole Normale Supérieure
Laboratory: PASTEUR or LBM or IMAP
Unit code: UMR 8640 or UMR 7203 or UMR 8004
Postal code : 75005
Country: FRANCE
Name of laboratory director: Rodolphe VUILLEUMIER or Olivier LEQUIN or Christian SERRE
Mail of the laboratory director: prenom.nom@ens.psl.eu
Name of the managing institution: Ecole Normale Supérieure
Name of the administrative manager of the laboratory : Landry LAURENT
Mail of the administrative person in charge of the managing establishment: contrat-recherche@ens.fr
Person authorized to legally represent the managing establishment (for attribution act) : Marc MEZARD
Person in charge of the administrative and financial follow-up : Landry LAURENT – contrat-recherche@ens.fr

Bank details