SU – Initial recruitment

The recruitment and renewing demands on research conventions are submitted in the Lab&Co tool

Input and validation of the demand on Lab&co

N°1 case

N°2 case

The recruitment responsible inputs the demand on Lab&co

They name Pauline Barjolin as manager of the recruitment (to enable a monitoring)

They can solicit the HR division at any moment for the monitoring and the necessary actions on the recruitment demand


The recruitment responsible is required to notify the RH division when a recruitment demand is made from them, to ensure the monitoring and the additional actions if necessary;

The recruitment responsible solicits the HR division to initiate the recruitment demand on Lab&Co 

They will then be able to monitor it via the platform.


Instruction delays

►Any recruitment demand has to be completed, submitted and validated 8 weeks prior to the desired date of taking office.

Levels of remuneration
►A remuneration scale of the contractual personnel is applicable to the science, engineering and medicine faculties. The scale considers the recovery of seniority carried out in the public function that depends on the anterior professional experience in the public function or private, the level of the occupied post, number of years, etc. To calculate this recovery of seniority, we can refer to the text or make an approximation by taking 50% of the professional experience time in the same type of post
►Calculation of the recruitment cost : the HR division can provide you with the estimated recruitment cost / you can ask for an estimation on Lab&co

Documents to provide
►Specify the acronym of the research agreement (or EOTP number, if known)
►Precise by which way the job offer was diffused as well as the number of candidates that were received for an interview

Mandatory to any recruitment

► Resume
► Individual notice (word format or pdf format)
► Individual notice for a doctoral student (word or pdf format)
►  ID
►RIB / bank details
►Attestation of affiliation to social security
► Vital card
►Most prestigious diploma
Post sheet (except for doctoral students)
Demand of criminal record extraction
Attestation of the recruiting medical visit


For the non-EU citizens
► Residence permit for the doctoral students (doctoral contract)
►Attestation of inscription in a doctoral schoolDepending on the situation
►Demand of transport costs reimbursement (pdf format) along with a copy of the Navigo pass and a subscription proof

Recruitment of non-Europeans (visa acquiring)

For the EC and affiliated, when the demand is made on Lab&co :
►The hosting convention demand is done online by the recruitment responsible or the HR division (choice is given to the recruitment responsible)
The demand is signed by the recruitment responsible then by the unit director
The demand is sent to the BMI
The hosting convention received, it is sent by the laboratory to the agent

The hosting convention enables the recruit to make their demand for a visa “talent passport-researcher” of short on long visit

When obtained, the visa has to be sent to the HR division.