Senior Scientist CNRS (DR1)
Associate Professor ENS – PSL

Laboratoire des biomolécules UMR 7203

Office: E117

Short bio

Fabien Ferrage did his undergraduate studies at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Chemistry and Molecular Biophysics. He joined Geoffrey Bodenhausen’s group at ENS for his master thesis and continued with his PhD, which he completed in 2002. He spent.a semester in Art Palmer’s lab at Columbia University in 2001. He joined David Cowburn’s team at the New York Structural Biology Center in 2003 as

a postdoc. He was appointed associate scientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2005 in Geoffrey Bodenhausen’s group. Between 2007 and 2009, he worked part-time at the New York Structural Biology Center, collaborating with David Cowburn and Ranajeet Ghose. In 2010-1011, he spent two years as a visiting scientist in the team of Aneel Aggarwal at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He was appointed associate professor at ENS in 2015 and senior scientist at CNRS in 2016.

Research interests

His main focus is on NMR methodology particularly the development of new methods and instruments for the exploration of biomolecular dynamics by NMR relaxation. Among recent developments, he studies protein dynamics from low-magnetic field nuclear spin relaxation, by a technique called high-resolution relaxometry. He introduced recently, in a partnership with Bruker Biospin, two-field NMR spectroscopy, where moderately low and high magnetic fields are coupled in a single experiment. Current investigations shed light on the dynamics of protein side chains in folded proteins as well as motions in intrinsically disordered proteins.

Our research is funded by:



Check out the website of our FET-Open project HIRES-MULTIDYN






Project IMF-NMR









Projects 2F-TROSY & DREAMY



MSCA-PF project BiophInLLPSInt

MSCA-DN FC-RELAX, check out the website!

Awards and distinctions

  • 2003 PhD prize form the Chemical Physics division from the French Chemical and Physical Societies.
  • 2003 Lavoisier fellowship form the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • 2003 Nine Choucroun Prize from the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique.
  • 2004 Raymond Andrew Award from the Groupement Ampère.
  • 2011 Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) 2012-2017.

Current Teaching

  • Scientific Communication in English (2014-), Master 1, Undergraduate education of the department of Chemistry at ENS, as well as Master Chemistry and Life Sciences.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, First year students in Chemistry, Ecole normale supérieure (2015-pres.).
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2014-2021), Master 1 Physical, analytical, and theoretical Chemistry, UE M1 4C303, Local Field Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Probes for Structure and Reactivity, Sorbonne Université.
  • Molecular Spectroscopies (2020-pres.); Master in Chemistry (M1 Chemistry and Innovation); PSL University.
  • Magnetic Resonance (2021-pres.); Master in Integrative Chemistry and Innovation (2nd year); PSL University.
  • Dynamics of molecular processes in biological systems (2021-pres.); Master in Integrative Chemistry and Innovation (2nd year); PSL University.


72 Entrées « 2 de 2 »


Simple method for the generation of multiple homogeneous field volumes inside the bore of superconducting magnets Article de journal

C -Y Chou; F Ferrage; G Aubert; D Sakellariou

Scientific Reports, 5 , 2015.

Distribution of Pico- and Nanosecond Motions in Disordered Proteins from Nuclear Spin Relaxation Article de journal

S N Khan; C Charlier; R Augustyniak; N Salvi; V Déjean; G Bodenhausen; O Lequin; P Pelupessy; F Ferrage

Biophysical Journal, 109 (5), p. 988–999, 2015.

Cross-correlated relaxation measurements under adiabatic sweeps: Determination of local order in proteins Article de journal

P Kadeřávek; S Grutsch; N Salvi; M Tollinger; L Žídek; G Bodenhausen; F Ferrage

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 63 (4), p. 353–365, 2015.


Nanosecond time scale motions in proteins revealed by high-resolution nmr relaxometry Article de journal

C Charlier; S N Khan; T Marquardsen; P Pelupessy; V Reiss; D Sakellariou; G Bodenhausen; F Engelke; F Ferrage

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (49), p. 18665–18672, 2013.

Side chain dynamics of carboxyl and carbonyl groups in the catalytic function of escherichia coli ribonuclease Ħ Article de journal

K A Stafford; F Ferrage; J -H Cho; A G Palmer

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (48), p. 18024–18027, 2013.


Time scales of slow motions in ubiquitin explored by heteronuclear double resonance Article de journal

N Salvi; S Ulzega; F Ferrage; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (5), p. 2481–2484, 2012.

Protein dynamics by 15n nuclear magnetic relaxation Livre

F Ferrage


Efficient determination of diffusion coefficients by monitoring transport during recovery delays in NMR Article de journal

R Augustyniak; F Ferrage; C Damblon; G Bodenhausen; P Pelupessy

Chemical Communications, 48 (43), p. 5307–5309, 2012.

Structure and dynamics of the second CARD of human RIG-I provide mechanistic insights into regulation of RIG-I activation Article de journal

F Ferrage; K Dutta; E Nistal-Villán; J R Patel; M T Sánchez-Aparicio; P De Ioannes; A Buku; G G Aseguinolaza; A García-Sastre; A K Aggarwal

Structure, 20 (12), p. 2048–2061, 2012.


Methods to determine slow diffusion coefficients of biomolecules. Applications to Engrailed 2, a partially disordered protein Article de journal

R Augustyniak; F Ferrage; R Paquin; O Lequin; G Bodenhausen

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 50 (3), p. 209–218, 2011.

Control of cross relaxation of multiple-quantum coherences induced by fast chemical exchange under heteronuclear double-resonance irradiation Article de journal

S Ulzega; N Salvi; T F Segawa; F Ferrage; G Bodenhausen

ChemPhysChem, 12 (2), p. 333–341, 2011.

1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of a 114-residue fragment of Engrailed 2 homeoprotein, a partially disordered protein Article de journal

R Augustyniak; S Balayssac; F Ferrage; G Bodenhausen; O Lequin

Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 5 (2), p. 229–231, 2011.


On the measurement of 15N-1H nuclear Overhauser effects. 2. Effects of the saturation scheme and water signal suppression Article de journal

F Ferrage; A Reichel; S Battacharya; D Cowburn; R Ghose

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 207 (2), p. 294–303, 2010.

Nuclear spin relaxation in isotropic and anisotropic media Article de journal

M P Nicholas; E Eryilmaz; F Ferrage; D Cowburn; R Ghose

Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 57 (2), p. 111–158, 2010.

Structural determination of biomolecular interfaces by nuclear magnetic resonance of proteins with reduced proton density Article de journal

F Ferrage; K Dutta; A Shekhtman; D Cowburn

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 47 (1), p. 41–54, 2010.


Accurate sampling of high-frequency motions in proteins by steady-state 15N- 1H nuclear overhauser effect measurements in the presence of cross-correlated relaxation Article de journal

F Ferrage; D Cowburn; R Ghose

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (17), p. 6048–6049, 2009.


Broadband dipolar recoupling for magnetization transfer in solid-state NMR correlation spectroscopy Article de journal

L Duma; D Abergel; F Ferrage; P Pelupessy; P Tekely; G Bodenhausen

ChemPhysChem, 9 (8), p. 1104–1106, 2008.

Multiple-timescale dynamics of side-chain carboxyl and carbonyl groups in proteins by 13C nuclear spin relaxation Article de journal

R Paquin; F Ferrage; F A A Mulder; M Akke; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (47), p. 15805–15807, 2008.

On the measurement of 15N-1H nuclear Overhauser effects Article de journal

F Ferrage; A Piserchio; D Cowburn; R Ghose

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 192 (2), p. 302–313, 2008.

Single or triple gradients? Article de journal

R Sarkar; D Moskau; F Ferrage; P R Vasos; G Bodenhausen

Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 193 (1), p. 110–118, 2008.


Joint composite-rotation adiabatic-sweep isotope filtration Article de journal

E R Valentine; F Ferrage; F Massi; D Cowburn; A G Palmer III

Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 38 (1), p. 11–22, 2007.

Changing the lens: Biomolecular NMR experiments at very low and very high resolution Article de journal

F Ferrage

Actualite Chimique, (314), p. 23–29, 2007.


Protein backbone dynamics through 13C′-13C α cross-relaxation in NMR spectroscopy Article de journal

F Ferrage; P Pelupessy; D Cowburn; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (34), p. 11072–11078, 2006.


An approach to extract rate constants from reaction-diffusion dynamics in a microchannel Article de journal

J -B Salmon; C Dubrocq; P Tabeling; S Charier; D Alcor; L Jullien; F Ferrage

Analytical Chemistry, 77 (11), p. 3417–3424, 2005.

Stochastic resonance to control diffusive motion in chemistry Article de journal

D Alcor; J -F Allemand; E Cogné-Laage; V Croquette; F Ferrage; L Jullien; A Kononov; A Lemarchand

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (3), p. 1318–1328, 2005.


Frequency-switched single-transition cross-polarization: A tool for selective experiments in biomolecular NMR Article de journal

F Ferrage; T R Eykyn; G Bodenhausen

ChemPhysChem, 5 (1), p. 76–84, 2004.


Slow diffusion of macromolecular assemblies by a new pulsed field gradient NMR method Article de journal

F Ferrage; M Zoonens; D E Warschawski; J -L Popot; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (9), p. 2541–2545, 2003.


Highly selective excitation in biomolecular NMR by frequency-switched single-transition cross-polarization Article de journal

F Ferrage; T R Eykyn; G Bodenhausen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (10), p. 2076–2077, 2002.

Synthesis and properties of water-soluble gold colloids covalently derivatized with neutral polymer monolayers Article de journal

C Mangeney; F Ferrage; I Aujard; V Artzner; L Jullien; O Ouari; E Djouhar Rékai; A Laschewsky; I Vikholm; J W Sadowski

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (20), p. 5811–5821, 2002.

Quasi-isotropic single-transition cross-polarization in nuclear magnetic resonance Article de journal

T R Eykyn; F Ferrage; G Bodenhausen

Journal of Chemical Physics, 116 (23), p. 10041–10050, 2002.


Coherence transfer by single-transition cross-polarization: quantitation of cross-correlation effects in nuclear magnetic resonance Article de journal

F Ferrage; T R Eykyn; G Bodenhausen

Journal of Chemical Physics, 113 (3), p. 1081–1087, 2000.

Single-transition coherence transfer by adiabatic cross polarization in NMR Article de journal

T R Eykyn; F Ferrage; E Winterfors; G Bodenhausen

ChemPhysChem, 1 (4), p. 217–221, 2000.

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